Don Bosco Anbu Illam
The Don Bosco Anbu Illam Home Away Home is the fourth level stage of the Don Bosco Anbu Illam Social Service Society, Chennai which has been registered by the Tamil Nadu Registration Act 1975.
Don Bosco Anbu Illam Home Away From Home is not just another orphanage. It is not a house for delinquents. It is a home where there is love. food, clothing, shelter and above all the warm feeling of security – for those who have lived and led an emotionally scared and materially insecure life in an atmosphere of distrust, betrayal and shattered house. It will be a centre for education and skill development.
The Don Bosco Anbu Illam caters more than one category of street and working children but focusing on specific groups of children. The constituents of the target group in the project are engaged in variety of occupations and trades.
The special scheme for rehabilitating street and working children who are in difficult circumstances envisages the provision of a shelter home for them to live, non-formal education, technical training recreation and entertainment, arrangements for food, holiday camps, etc.,